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  • + 86 15013292620

  • No.6 Changdun RD, Guangchong Village, Shiqi Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China, 511450
  • ორშაბათი - შაბათი 8.00 - 18.00 სთკვირა დახურულია

mini flatbed printer

Ever wished that you could print your dorm room pics or in a single, inexpensive photo book? What if you could print them from wherever whenever?! Well, the little flatbed printers can help with this! They are tiny and light so you can also carry them in your handbag or backpack. Then you can carry them to school, a friends house or even an away break. Like… a printer right at your fingertips!

These mini printers are basically little versions of the traditional printers you can find in your home or school. They are not too bulky and they do not weigh much as well so you can carry them easily. Thanks to its portable feature, you can print your artwork or school projects on the go and show it off with friends!

    Versatile and Affordable Print Technology

    Mini Flatbed Printer is great in use not only for the purpose of photos or drawings print. Important papers, bright labels, decals and all kinds of other things can also be printed with Epson All In One Printer. This is what makes them so handy, in many different environments like your home or school even while traveling.

    The coolest part is—they are not very expensive at all, flat-bed printers minis. Although they are small, brittle and flimsy does not mean that their price is sky-high as some may assume! You can get one for a pretty good price actually. Which is makes them a perfect buy for the ones who plan on doing some printing and would like do it without spending tons of money!

    Why choose Jihui Electronic mini flatbed printer?

    დაკავშირებული პროდუქტების კატეგორიები

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    დაუკავშირდით ჩვენს კონსულტანტებს მეტი ხელმისაწვდომი პროდუქტებისთვის.

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