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  • №6 Чангдун RD, Гуанчон айылы, Шики Таун, Паню району, Гуанчжоу, Кытай, 511450
  • Дүйшөмбү - Ишемби 8.00 - 18.00Жекшемби жабык

36 дюймдук сублимация принтери

A sublimation printer is not like any other regular printers: it makes use of special ink and paper to print designs on different materials such as fabric. Meanwhile, the benefit of a 36-inch sublimation printer like this one is that it can churn out much bigger designs - perfect for creating bold banners or imposing fabric artwork.

When looking to sublimate print with a 36 inch printer one must keep some things in mind which are important. Honestly, this is the most important part - getting the ink type and paper you need. It is a different kind of ink, compared to regular ones and only usable in sublimation paper. Furthermore, you need to use a computer and design programs justify designs.

The Importance of Heat

Another important factor to remember is that the sublimation printing requires heat applied. The ink and paper have to be heat pressed or ironed down onto the fabric (or other material) in order for the design to transfer. This is why, the provided instructions need to be carefully followed in order you do not turn into a site accident prone due to some printing activity with your printer.

Look for a printer that is either packaged with design software, or sells compatible design packages. This is where some of the money has to be recouped by the digital circuitry and features included in this world wide industry.

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