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  • + 86 15013292620

  • №6 Чангдун RD, Гуанчон айылы, Шики Таун, Паню району, Гуанчжоу, Кытай, 511450
  • Дүйшөмбү - Ишемби 8.00 - 18.00Жекшемби жабык

commercial uv printer

Looking for a new addition to your team that will allow you to produce beautiful stickers and images with ease? If applicable, a commercial UV printer might be the right thing for you!

Understanding Commercial UV Printers (The Best Guide)

First, we need to start with commercial UV printers. Such machines are new and using UV light, they can print fast while drying the ink to highlight every corner of your design. This feature being unique, lets you play with wood,glass and even metal!

Unlike traditional printers that heat to dry ink, UV printing uses lamps in the printer that are used to cure the ink on top of a surface. That augmented versatility and improved rugged nature are just two reasons why UV Printers prove beneficial in almost all cases.

Why choose Jihui Electronic commercial uv printer?

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