20 жылдан ашык тажрыйба

  • + 86 15013292620

  • №6 Чангдун RD, Гуанчон айылы, Шики Таун, Паню району, Гуанчжоу, Кытай, 511450
  • Дүйшөмбү - Ишемби 8.00 - 18.00Жекшемби жабык

Акрил үчүн UV принтер Кыргызстан

This can be achieved by Jihui Electronic баары бир принтерде This can be achieved by UV printing on acrylics that produce great prints. One very cool advantage is the ability to print directly onto the surface with no more prep work. The colors are vivid and do not seem to wear away easily after being printed. Also, the ink sets fast so it is a low impact and efficient process to make.  that produce great prints. One very cool advantage is the ability to print directly onto the surface with no more prep work. The colors are vivid and do not seem to wear away easily after being printed. Also, the ink sets fast so it is a low impact and efficient process to make

Innovation in UV Printing

Jihui Electronic плоттер принтери is a advanced and high-quality technology that cures ink with ultraviolet light when it print UV lights immediately dry the collected points of dots on papers. This produces bold and vivid color prints. Acrylic, glass, wood and its products are other materials that UV printers work great on. Even the best UV printers available come equipped with some software for processing more complex designs

Why choose Jihui Electronic Uv printer for acrylic?

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Бааны азыр сураңыз
uv printer for acrylic-58