Leather is a unique material made from the skin of animals. Leather, for those who do not know is very old as a product and has been around fora long time to be made into all kind of items like shoes handbags; clothing; even furniture. Leather is very strong and long lasting, so should last a few years However, what if leather can be improved using new technologies? One such cool tech is known as UV printing which has totally revolutionized the way we produce our leather goods!
What is UV Printing? UV PRINTING: This is a uniquely self-explanatory way of printing works by using ultraviolet light The biggest use of this light is that, in the printing process, it helps to dry the ink very fast. For ordinary printing methods, inks can dry for hours or even days! With UV printing, the ink dries virtually instantaneously in comparison so its far quicker and more effective.
Leather is a good example where UV printing provides designers with an opportunity to develop stunning designs full of detail. Traditional printing leaves possibilities of ink smudging or spreading out and is difficult to do unique designs. Drying fast meant that the ink stayed exactly where it was supposed to, and this made all of those tiny text-based details as well as crystal clear images on leather possible for designers with UV printing. This opens up an immense realm of possibilities for creativity!
Bright, long-lasting images on leather is another great advantage when using UV printing. Since UV printing is much more permanent and long lasting, your designs are colorful since; unlike regular prints that can fade over time! This is because the leather is porous and as it dries under he strong UV light, the bond of The uv ink Is very tight. As such, the pictures are sturdy and can pop for much longer without them fading.
Indeed, UV printing is changing the way designers make anything of leather. This wowsomeness of technology further provides the designers to create such amazing piece that they had never designed ever before. Leather shoes or handbags made possible with traditional printing ways to complete very well elaborate pattern designs in the future will automatically be directed, veins of beautiful print outputs. As such you will notice a massive increase in the demand for personalised leather goods since people have grown to love having items that are unique!
If you are into leather designing or manufacturing raising hands than UV printing should be in your consideration. This technology is a great tool to raise the bar on your product, differentiating them from others with something special. Using UV printing, you are able to print strong and attractive designs which can be designed for high impact advertising. This way people come to love your products that are better and more unique, than the usual ones.
main business is manufacturing large-format printers. primary products include all types of Eco leather uv printingprinters DTF printer, UV DTF printer, Sublimation printer, solvent printer and uv printer as well as products.
products utilize accessories well-known national international brand leather uv printing, like Epson head, Leadshine motor, Hoson board, Hiwin/THK Linear Guides
X-leather uv printinga manufacturing site which covers 5000 square meters a R D centre that 1000 square metres. 20 years industry experience .
have strong technical team. They have escorted 10 technical teams. They offer leather uv printingintimate consultation, pre-sales as well as 24 hour after-sales assistance.
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