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  • + 86 15013292620

  • №6 Чангдун RD, деҳаи Гуанчонг, Таун Шиқи, ноҳияи Паню, Гуанчжоу, Чин, 511450
  • Душ - шанбе 8.00 - 18.00Якшанбе баста шуд

Big sublimation printer Точикистон

Whereas sublimation printing is an awesome digital print method, and the large format sublimation printer does a fabulous job of this; This form of a game changer printer, brings various features and the protocol to continue working on your all printing need.


    The major advantage of this large sublimation printer is very hard to beat. One of the things that stand out about it is its capability to print on a wide range of materials including polyester, ceramics and plastic. Secondly, this printer uses durable and resistant inks that are also long-lasting meaning it gives us the best prints. Finally, the printing machine is also budget-friendly and thus can be used by everyone.

    Why choose Jihui Electronic Big sublimation printer?

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