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  • + 86 15013292620

  • №6 Changdun RD, Guangchong qishlog'i, Shiqi shahri, Panyu tumani, Guanchjou, Xitoy, 511450
  • Dushanba - shanba 8.00 - 18.00Yakshanba yopiq

large format flatbed printer

If you are looking to impress your customers with brightly coloured graphics, thinking that a bigger printer is expensive business? It is easy to get overwhelmed with making this decision, however fear not! So, here we are with an ultimate guide to make it easy for you and fear off the process.

Print quality should be at the top of your checklist when looking to buy a large format flatbed printer. Choose a printer that will give you clear resolution, with nearly perfect color accuracy. They range from the type of ink used and how many types you can fit in the cartridges to what colors a printer is capable of producing. These include UV-curable inks, which are more versatile and long-lasting.

    Prioritizing Print Quality

    Alongside with the print quality, check also the dimensions and capabilities of a printer. Decide what the largest size of graphics are you will need to print and if the printer can fulfill that minimum requirement. Determine the printing speed and ink cartridge capacity beforehand so that you can expedite your work-assisted workflow.

    The ability to Print Faster: High-end printers generally contain slightly faster printing speeds, resulting in reduced time spent during production. The workflow in Swift is up to this productivity point - simply faster yield of results.

    Why choose Jihui Electronic large format flatbed printer?

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