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  • + 86 15013292620

  • No6 Changdun RD, Guangchong Village, Shiqi Town, Panyu дүүрэг, Guangzhou, China, 511450
  • Даваа - Бямба 8.00 - 18.00Ням гараг хаагдав

Eco solvent printer 24 inch

Ever heard of the term, "ecosolvent"? It's a new and interesting technology that is awesome for our planet! This is an amazing 24 inch eco solvent printer made by Jihui Electronic бүгдийг нэг хэвлэгч дээр. This special printer can print onto a whole host of materials without damaging the environment. And all the better since it uses environmentally-friendly natural ingredient inks, means no harmful chemical scales -- cs3better. A nice win/win to do some printing and save the Earth at the same time!

Print big with the 24 inch eco solvent printer

Occasionally, it may be necessary to print large items such as posters, banners or signs for events that are unique. Fortunately this type of jobs are well supported with Jihui Electronic's 24 inch eco solvent printer that can easily take care of all. Jihui Electronic плоттер принтер incredible printer has a huge print area with the capability to produce prints as wide as 24 inches. So you could be designing massive shop banners for a store that's about to open or school projects containing giant posters, and know your message will never go unseen!

Why choose Jihui Electronic Eco solvent printer 24 inch?

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