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printers for sublimation printing

If you like taking pictures and then printing designs on paper, it must be your favorite. If you do, you will likely be interested in learning about sublimation printing - an unconventional process used to produce designs that are both sharp and rich with color on a range of items (think T-shirts, mugs or plates)!

Sublimation printing, together with the special sublimation ink which turns into gas when heated lands on your garment then permanently bonds to it. Sublimation printers differ from traditional printers by fusing ink to paper as a gas rather than liquid phase. This gas later fuses with the substrate that is being printed on, which ultimately yields complex patterns and wonderful designs which lasts for longer time spans.

Importance of Printer Selection

When it comes to sublimating printing, one of the most important aspects is selecting a right Printers for sublimation. Market to.connections: Add your own recommendations here but these are top.Simple Ways To Save Money

One of the new breakthroughs in sublimation printing is the Sawgrass Virtuoso VJ 628. The printer is especially good for beginners with great resolution and the ability to make excellent prints. Furthermore, the compact design of this product is perfect for people who have cramped areas.

Why choose Jihui Electronic printers for sublimation printing?

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