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  • No6 Changdun RD, Guangchong Village, Shiqi Town, Panyu дүүрэг, Guangzhou, China, 511450
  • Даваа - Бямба 8.00 - 18.00Ням гараг хаагдав

хэт ягаан туяаны хэвлэгч a1

Have you ever wanted to print an oversized photo or poster, but your typical home printer simply couldn't fit the job? Perhaps, you just need to make a very large sign for some school function or to have on display in the home. Well, good news! Fortunately, the A1 UV printer is here to tackle your large printing jobs and help you with impressive output easier than ever.

So what is Large Format Printing you may ask? Or in other words, All oversize means is larger paper/substrates. Rather than traditional paper that is typically quite small, large format printing will use much larger sheets of material such as canvas or vinyl. This printer is capable of making some really large prints and in a cleaner and crisper manner compared to the others. This translates into striking images, posters and even banners calling for attention!

    Discover the Power of UV Printing with A1 Size Printer

    You might be thinking to yourself, “Ok so it prints in UV. What does that have going for it?” UV printing, on the other hand keeps this advantage but lets special light that dries insulation then ink instantly have contact with their surface. This means the ink dries very quickly which in turn does not smudge. Being able to let the ink dry on larger prints is crucial (it can be MUCH harder than it sounds, especially when you want to see your work finished!)

    One more great thing about UV printing is you can print on different materials. It can even print on materials that regular printers cannot. This means you can start printing on metal, wood, or perhaps even a soccer ball! How cool is that? The ink is also super tough, meaning that your print will last for a long time and does not easily fade – even if you put it outside.

    Why choose Jihui Electronic uv printer a1?

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