If you are looking out to print some images or designs, one of the options that you can look for is to have eco solvent printing machine. This one-of-a-kind printer prints using eco-friendly ink that helps save our planet. There are so many different...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХPrinting is very crucial in our daily lives. Printers are used to print many things like flyers, posters, and banners for advertisement purposes. These items help us talk about things, to get the word out. Printers are also used for our school projec...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХHere at Jihui Electronic, we sincerely love our Earth and try our best to save the Earth to make our world a better place. For example, one way that we help the environment as a company is utilizing eco solvent printer. But you may be asking you...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХHello! In this article, we are going to discuss eco-To summarize, we have gained significant knowledge about eco-solvent ink and printers. As eco solvent ink is obtained from natural substances, it does not affect our ecosystem. Eco-solvent printers ...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХEco solvent printers will always be the choice of different companies nowadays. We, even here in Jihui Electronic, utilize such kind of printer. The Eco solvent printer is essential as they will be utilizing ink that would not destroy the environment...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХWhat is Eco Solvent Printing?Printing is a craft that requires significant skill, patience, and tooling. The quality of images at the end can be significantly affected by the machines we utilize for printing. Jihui Electronic specializes in making ec...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХThe printing industry is rapidly evolving and is more of an exciting time than ever. Custom printing becomes more enjoyable for everyone because of new technologies like DTF printers. why DTF printers are so highly significant in the ability to analy...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХMy DTF printer will not print white ink.Do you experience difficulties when printing on dark or colored fabric with your DTF printer? Sometimes, you just cannot get the white ink to work. Still, many DTF printer users experience this kind of problem....
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХIf you want your DTF printer to last as long as possible and be in good condition, then maintenance is the must-do deal. They have a vast range of printers in their catalog, and like all types of machines, Jihui Electronic prints require routine main...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХWhen talking about print designs for clothes, you may hear people say two types of printers: DTF or DTG. The question is, what do all these letters stand for? In this text, we will study how each of these printers works, their pros and cons, kinds of...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХDTF принтерийн талаар танд ямар нэгэн санаа байна уу? Энэ бол гоёмсог, өнгөлөг загвар, даавуун дээр хэвлэдэг гоёмсог хэвлэгч юм. DTF хэвлэх шинэ хэвлэх арга бий бөгөөд энэ нь захиалгат хэвлэсэн хувцасыг санал болгох моод болж байна. Энэ урлагт...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХХэрэв та Финландад үнэхээр сайн DTF принтер хайж байгаа бол хэрэв тийм бол та зөв газартаа байна. DTG принтер үйлдвэрлэгчдийн зарим нь Финляндаас гаралтай бөгөөд салбарын шилдэгүүдийн нэг юм. Үүнээс гадна, энэ нь адил шаардлагатай ...
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