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True sublimation printer

How Sublimation Printing Works

Have you ever asked yourself why a true sublimation printer is the way to go? In this article, we will be discussing sublimation printing and how it is done! This Jihui Electronic чопгари бисёрфунксионалӣ  awesome process will let you produce striking designs on many substrates, even 100% polyester shirts. A creative, fun way to show your personality or expand and promote your business.

Чопи сублиматсия чист?

A true sublimation printer is not the same as your home printer you use for printing a copy. The machine, a specialized printer that uses dye-sublimation to print images on coffee mugs is designed for businesses and personal consumers who want vibrant colorful designs printed large phases of text in Very Small Fonts! Sublimation process involves the transformation of solid ink into gas. The gas then adheres itself to the material and yields high-quality, colorful results that are non-fading. Jihui Electronic принтери хурди гармидиҳӣ is this that differentiates a genuine sublimation printer from other kinds of printers you have at home.  

Why choose Jihui Electronic True sublimation printer?

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